Swordsman are trained since childhood and are experts in handling 'Auras'.
The power of 'Auras' can be focused onto swords and armor to enhance their Abilities.
They also take the role of a tanker, standing in front of their allies to defend them against enemy attacks, as well as inflict extreme damage on the enemy.
They can change jobs at level 25 to either Knight or Warrior.
Swordman - Knight

STR - increase of your Phy. attack and your parry rates
AGI - Increase your dodge rates and critical rates.
VIT - Increase your HP
The following example some stat build:
40/30/rest vit
41/41 (do not need any HP boots)
you can go for
40 str, 8 agi, 40 vit
40 str, Rest are agi, 30 vit
If you want to make a knight tanker, you can raise Vit stat, but not too powerful enhancer Vit seen from the addition of 1 point = 6 hp.
All of the above stat development merely help, you can develop a stat to build your own character resulting in a build that is better than the build above.
This is Ragnarok 2 Swordman PDF Full Guide
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Here's a stat calculator: http://www.roguard.net/index.php?m=stats_calc
Skill build
Here are some examples of skill taken
You can follow the build skills as above, but time can also develop your own skill build so get a better build than the existing build. As well as producing their own skill combo.
Some Skill Rotation can you see:
General Rotation
Pull with Shield Boomerang
Rotate Bash / Magnum Break
Shield Cannon if Avaliable
Strike with Three Aura Aura Shield when Cannon is on CD
Multiple Mobs
Pull with Shield Boomerang
Wild Provoke
Rotate Magnum Break / Grand Cross
Another example of skill rotation:
SHIELD BOOMERANG (to kite) / Provoke (if you're afraid that the rdps out-dps you and take the aggro Themselves)> SHIELD CHARGE> HEAD CRUSH> BASH> AURA STRIKE (if I'm not mistaken you can got 3 aura by this time)> SHIELD BASH> BASH> SHIELD CANNON> BASH> HEAD CRUSH (if it's already 20 seconds, otherwise just continue bash) / SHIELD BASH (if there's no cd, otherwise continue bash)> AURA STRIKE> BASH> BASH> BASH> SHIELD CANNON. rotation and then do whichever you like
Use a card that will increase STR, AGI, VIT. As Snatcher Raiders Card, Garbong card, etc
Swordman - Warrior

STR - increase of your Phy. attack and your parry rates
VIT - Increase your HP
AGI - Increase your dodge rates and critical rates.
DPS stats:
41 str, 41 agi
40 Str / 30 Agi / Vit Rest
or Full Str
Tank stats:
40 str
30 vit (for survival ability)
rest agi
40 str
40 vit
8 agi
Everybody has their own stat development, some choose to add the vit or agi. It all depends on your own to develop your own stat build. My suggestion is better you develop your own stat build and produce a much better build than existing.
Here's a stat calculator: http://www.roguard.net/index.php?m=stats_calc
Some examples of skill build:
Skill Rotation
First knock down with Battle Leaf (If failed use Pommel Attack)> Bowling Bash> Bash until got 50 Anger> Rage Strike> Pommel Attack (If has not been used)> If your opponent got pretty low Health Point spam with Brandish or repeat to first rotation.
Ancient Assassin Card, Card Snatcher Raiders, Garbong card, etc
What is the difference between Warrior and Knight?
Warrior is not the best nor dps tanker. He is a jack of all trades.
Warrior can kill mobs a lot faster than Knights. They have nice AoE. They're good off-tanks.
Off-tanks means you help to tank and kill minions that keep respawn boss around.
Since you can deal high damage, you can kill the mobs clear away from your pt mates.
Warriors are one of the good pvp class because of it's versatility.
Knight is the best tanker in the game. He is 100% tank.
Knight kills slower than warriors. He is one of the slowest classes for leveling and farming.
He has a unique skill that gives imba defense buff to whole party, making him very wanted.
Knight + Priest + 3 range dps = best dungeon / raid team.
A lot of Knights gave feedback that they're comfortable with tanking Compared to warrior.
Knight makes good dungeon Because leaders play tank role has the highest responsibility.
Both warriors and knights are Equally good.
Often Warrior and Knight can be seen in the same party.
Knight tank warrior tank while playing boss + minions that keep respawn clear from the boss.
If in the worse case scenario where the knight falls, at least have a back-up warrior.