Archers are the descendants of Ancient Payon, protecting the forest and animals within it.
Their powerful archery and excellent physical strength are enough to oppress any foe.
They can change jobs to either Ranger or Beastmaster at level 25.
Archer - Ranger

Here are some stat development, the following stat no one is perfect. All were returned to the matter of how you play your character
40/40/8 - balanced build
STR = 100% / Max
Agi = 30%
Vit = 70%
another stat build
Agi 70%, 20% and 10% vit str
41str, 41agi
33 str, 33 agi, 32 vit
Here's a stat calculator:
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Here are some examples of skill taken
FA build:
You can also develop your own skills, you are not required to follow the skill build above. Develop your skills build your own and make your own skill rotation.
Some Skill Rotation can you see:
Wind Walk -> Focused Arrow Strike -> Poison Arrow -> Charge Arrow (till full combo points) -> Double Strafing (till there's no more combo points) -> Falcon Eyes -> Wind walk -> Focused Arrow Strike -> Poison Arrow -> Charge Arrow (till full combo points) -> Double Strafing
Focused Arrow Strike -> Poison Arrow -> Wind Walk -> Charge Arrow (till full combo points) -> Double Strafing (till there's no more combo points) -> Falcon Eyes -> Focused Arrow Strike -> Poison Arrow -> Wind Walk -> Charge Arrow (till full combo points) -> Double Strafing (till there's no more combo points)
Or you can just make-your own skill rotation.
Use a card that will increase STR, AGI, VIT. As Garbong card, Miyaong card, Scratch card Raider, etc.
Archer - Beastmaster

STR - Main stat of a Beast Master, it'll be your main source of damage output and I'd suggest for you to max it.
AGI - Good source of crits. It gives you more damage output with more critical chance and it also adds dodge.
VIT - Increases health and regeneration, optional stat if you wanted to be more tanky you can add a bit
STR - 50
AGI - 22
VIT - 16
50STR for the max possible dmg output.
26AGI for increasing the possibility of Crit Attack.
6Vit for some mor HP.
Stat Build is not perfect, so it's better you make your own stat build.
Here's a stat calculator:
Here are some examples of the skill is taken, but even better if you make your own skill build
Off tank dps
Full Tank
Once you changed your class from Archer to Beastmaster, all your skill points will automatically reset. You can only transform one kind of beast at a time
Rotation skill:
No rotation or a combo skill that I can give. But I suggest you make your own combo skill.
Use a card that will increase STR, AGI, VIT. As Garbong card, Miyaong card, Scratch card Raider, etc.